RC Week 9

24 Jan 2025






generally took today slow because I had been grinding the past few days to publish v1 of openwhen. also because this afternoon, i got rejected from the summer internship i was interviewing for and am bummed from that, was hoping i could be done with recruiting but i guess it wasn’t meant to be. perhaps something better will come along (“sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can come together” :vomit: hahaha). it’s also a bit destabilizing because i felt somewhat confident i’d get the role but i was wrong – and now, for grad school admissions I also feel somewhat confident i’ll get into at least one school and i might be wrong. and i know, i know, life is all about pivoting and making your next best move (“god laughs at plans” and “a tree that can never bend will break”) but like, i try so hard to go get the things i really want and i’m so tired of the universe saying nope nope nope :smiling_face_with_tear: but that’s not fair, it does say yes sometimes and that’s what i have to focus on otherwise i end up writing check-ins like this haha

this is not the end of my story.