- Came in anyway and just chugged along on Open When (fixed UI, letter credits)
- Paired with @Kevin to fix updating the letter-opening credits in Supabase
- Deployed Open When to Vercel (and bought my own domain omg @Priya )! It doesn’t work yet but the UI is (mostly) done so if you wanna check it out you can
- Impossible day pairing on linux kernel modules @Piya @Stephen
- Some feedback and much-needed encouragement about Open When @Bradley
- Pairing with @Sophia on 3 past Leetle problems
- pairing with @Priya to figure out why my React component wasn’t showing up… it’s because I didn’t use good coding practices oops
- I missed the AI/ML Paper Cuts but @Jakub came over and gave me a mini version of his presentation on alpha code :face_holding_back_tears:
- got some great feedback from @Karen about Open When
- misc. bug fixes and UI improvements in preparation for my presentation about Open When
- presented Open When!!!!
- watched this other local-first conf presentation and planning to incorporate local-first principles into openwhen
- really enjoyed chatting with @Jesse this morning. added some subreddits to my RSS feed (really love Unread, thank you so much for the rec @Daniel – this is exactly what I’ve been looking for)
- caught up on more of the January Leetles (just 1 more I need to catch up on). it’s actually making leetcode kind of fun??
- got a really nice review on openwhen from @Marc Anthony and nice chats with @Kevin @Maura
generally took today slow because I had been grinding the past few days to publish v1 of openwhen. also because this afternoon, i got rejected from the summer internship i was interviewing for and am bummed from that, was hoping i could be done with recruiting but i guess it wasn’t meant to be. perhaps something better will come along (“sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can come together” :vomit: hahaha). it’s also a bit destabilizing because i felt somewhat confident i’d get the role but i was wrong – and now, for grad school admissions I also feel somewhat confident i’ll get into at least one school and i might be wrong. and i know, i know, life is all about pivoting and making your next best move (“god laughs at plans” and “a tree that can never bend will break”) but like, i try so hard to go get the things i really want and i’m so tired of the universe saying nope nope nope :smiling_face_with_tear: but that’s not fair, it does say yes sometimes and that’s what i have to focus on otherwise i end up writing check-ins like this haha
this is not the end of my story.