- installed ruby for jekyll finally (omg @Maura !) so I can finally build my site locally and preview changes before deploying them on gh pages; using this, I figured out how to add a favicon to my website (also @Maura thank you for the photoshoot)
- paired with @Michael on git exercises :D
- coffee chat with @Nadja so nice to meet you in person :)
- missing semester: debugging and profiling
- fixed floodfill thank you @Miriam
- gratie: added a function to export piet programs as png, added test programs that actually terminate!!!
- almost done with missing semester debugging+profiling exercises. decided i wanna do a presentation of the cool things I’ve learned from this course! learning generously so that i can remember stuff better and maybe help others too
- had a chat with a mentor about grad apps and what i wanna do during the spring. i think i actually wanna travel around (central and south america!!!!) because i speak spanish fluently and i have the luxury of freedom at this point in my life. and it’ll be easier to find an internship that starts in May (rather than late-Feb or March, after RC)
- missing semester: metaprogramming
- finished debugging+profiling exercises. these were very cool!
- got macos script and tmux conf dotfile to work :)
- started drafting “the found semester” presentation. thinking of demo-ing 1-2 cool tools from each lecture due to the time limit, and coming up with some kind of story to tie them all together, inspired by @Nicole ‘s presentation with Friend! and getting feedback/discussing with the group on our Tues and Weds meetings
- paired with @Jordan on Gratie! having fun with it and excited that it’s coming together
- checked out Heap Computer Club for the second half of batch
- fixed some functions and added some tests for Gratie
for this first half-batch, i haven’t been able to “work at the edge of my abilities” as much as I would’ve liked to, but i still feel happy with myself :smile: