- Missing semester! I’m so happy to be going through this with a group :blush: @Maura @Miriam @Satyajit @Michael @Christina @Nicole @Teon
- Pairing with @Jordan on Gratie
- Pairing with @Camille @Michael on RL
- missing semester :D that’s about all. just trying to hang in there while I get my grad application essays ready to submit :)
- finished incorporating @Michael’s feedback on my grad essays – thank you Michael, I liked your comments and thought they were helpful. also asked a few other friends for feedback and once I get those back I think I’ll be content to submit
- coffee chat + piano with @Miriam
- wrote code for Gratie (my version of Piet). fun to just write what I could and then trust that @Jordan will be able to help with the stuff I don’t know :pray:
Thanksgiving chilling (and submitted MIT!!!)
- submitted MIT yesterday! working on Stanford today (mostly just reading their recent papers) and hoping to submit this weekend
- chatted with a family friend to see about internship opportunities in robotics. looking for something from March-August 2025 (post-RC until I start grad school)!!!!
I wish I could spend more time on RC during this first half of my batch, but I really wanna give grad apps my best shot and everything has an opportunity cost. I’m grateful that all this grad school stuff will be over by the second half of my batch – besides just wanting to do more/bigger projects, I want to be more social :)